What's in your Passport?
It's been a while since we traveled cyberly to another magical destination.
First we went to Russia, then Greece, Spain and then to London. Now i take you to Mystic Falls, lol just joking, but if you are a true die hard Vampire Dairies fan like me, you know what i am talking about.tehe. Ok so today we go to India. This is one country i am dying to visit because of it's colorful nature. Women wear the colorful sari's, hand made with embroidery details found no where else. Below are some awesome poly sets that represents India and it's beauty.
Some Awesome Facts about India:
* Chess was invented in India
* India was known as the richest nation of the world till the British invaded her in the early part of the 17th Century.
*India was the only source of diamonds in the world up to 1896.
*The study of Algebra and Trigonometry originated in India.
*Area wise, India is the 7th largest country in the world.

1000 Places To See Before You Die: Palace on Wheels, India by theoriginalpeapod featuring Miu Miu dresses
Signing off...oxox Coke Stains and Cupcakesoxox..PaintHead™
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