was able to see Pamella Roland Fall 2011 Collection which left me gasping for air. I sat in the third row behind Robert Verdi and Brittney Snow, which allowed me to see in full view all the great details of every garment. Roland's Collection was inspired by the Far East where she lived in asia for a while. In this collection you see so much details and great craftsmanship. Every piece evokes an emotion and you clearly see her concept. Roland explains "Having lived in Asia, I was inspired by the culminating of old with new, western technologies with eastern tradition, modern cityscapes with rural farmland and the colors of the field harvests and urban skylines."
Along with her inspiration, Roland still kept her signature look, by adding asian prints, luxury fabrics, draping and jewel like colors to add to the richness of her glamourous creations. There's no wonder why A-lister's flock to her Gor'juss designs.
My Previous Post on Fashion Week..
Ramona from Real HouseWives of New York

Brittney Snow

Let the Show Begin!

That's me a my big head in the way!! :)

Making a Video for Fashion World Live, a new site that launches on Thursday 2/17/11

y John Hughes of Fashion Betsey Johnson showed @ 6pm. I was so close in getting in, but it did not work out. Oh so close , yet so far!! I'm gonna go cry now *Sniff* I was able to watch it stream live, so technically i was there watching it along with everyone else, LOL! Next time i'll be there...xooxoxoxo The best thing at BJ is that she cares for her viewers, she always makes a goodie bag for everyone, even if your in the front seat or not!

efore i said Good-bye to Fashion week , The Bumby's were there giving "Fair& Honest Appraisal" of everyone's outfit or should i say, those who are brave enough to get an appraisal..lol I was in line for a good 15 minutes when i saw Cynthia Rowley and then five minutes after that Tim Gunns walked right in front of me..Ok ,so i'm guessing your probably wondering why the heck i did not get out of line and speak to them, LOL well because I know for sure this is not the end for me , and someday i will meet them again. So getting an appraisal of my outfit was indeed more important..oxoxoxooxox Below is what "Jill Bumby" wrote, mind you they are in disguise, with wigs and hiding their faces, so we don't know who they are which is what makes this fun and the wait is full of suspense. I enjoyed it. I also LOVE Polyvore for existing and being such an awesome Fashion site, i've learned so much about fashion through them! oxoxoxoxoox

LOVED it, for the record i did not have a forever 21 tutu, LOL!
Signing off..Coke Stains and Cupcakes..oxox Painthead™
Wow, you are so lucky to get to go to NY fashion week. It's my absolute dream to go some day. Lovely photos.
Oh and I'm following :)
awesome! looks like you had an amazing time.
love the ending gown. stunning!
thanks for sharing
What and amazing appraisal of your look! You're a brave woman, for sure! And I totally agree about the awesomness of Polyvore! I can't believe how much I've learned there!
Thanks for sharing your pics and experiences!!
(p.s. this is "widelyflung") ;)
Look at you, go girlfriend!
Awww thank you all, hugs
Congrats sweetie fabulous pictures and do tell us more about the video blog id be happy to pop over and see the video you have made for the new site.
Thanks for the tips on where to shop, this weekend me and the BF make the itinery for NYC so the meat packing district is gonna be on that list!
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