My little tiny blog got nominated
That was sweet and cool. Thank you all who actually come by my blog and enjoy what comes out of my wacky candy filled

• Thank the person who nominated you for the award
• Copy the logo and place it on your blog
• Link to the person who nominated you for this award
• List seven things about yourself that people might find interesting
• Nominate and post links to the seven Kreativ Bloggers you nominate
• Leave a comment on each of the blogs, letting them know they have been nominated
Here are my seven things about
1. I want to stop traffic one day and dance in the middle of the street, like they do in FAME.
2. I study the flags of the world for fun.
3. I once had an all white cat named Rainbow.
4. I hate odd numbers. Things make more sense to me when they are even...LOL
5. I can eat pizza for every meal, with fries and a coke.
6. I crave cherry jolly ranchers when cars brake, because the red light comes on and i think JOLLY RANCHER.
7. I don't eat meat.....the end.