SugarPill, Honey Honey!
It's been days since i've made a post, but i am alive. There's proof because i am writing this Anyhow let's see what i have been up i saw the special screening of "Dinner with Schmucks" This movie is soooooooooooooooooo funny, omg. I don't want to say to much about it and spoil anything for you guys, but go out and see it. It comes out today July 30th.
Oh and i FINALLY got my SugarPill. I've been dying to order some and i finally did..WoooHoo. It came today in my front door shouting "OPEN ME , I AM SWEET" lol. So this is how my lovely SugarPill came...awwwww
I Slowly Opened the pak and Hot pink tissue paper covers my magical eye shadow.
Then once it's open, i heard violins in the background. Behold, there was a lovely writing from Amy, owner and creator of SugarPill. How sweet of a touch, so personnel and very RARE! oxoox

Looks like every girl needs a Sugarpill!
Cute stuff!
I have still yet to try sugar pill. I can't believe I haven't yet. The packaging is so cute...
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