What we all long to see is WHO is wearing WHAT on the Red Carpet at the Oscars.
I thought it was all a big joke at first. I thought that the Oscars played a prank on all the viewers, and that at the end of the program someone would say "The fashion you saw on most was a prank, we wanted to spice things up a bit , so we wanted some stars to look horrible." Well mostly ALL did. What happen? There was a big lack on glamour, something was missing. A few looked like they just went to bed the night before with their gowns on, got up , made their hair, if that, and walked out the door. I know some stars know nothing about fashion and that is where they trust the lovely stylist they hired, but if you look a hot mess and end up in the FASHION WORST LIST, then you need to get a new one. Ugh! I only found a lucky few that made my eyes twinkle and made me smile with hopes that the styling world is not failing me. Below are the few lovely starlet's i found GOR'JUSS.
Miley Cyrus
Wearing a beautiful gown by Jenny Pacham
She was ready and one of the
youngest to actually get it right.

Kate Winslet
Wearing a strapless metallic gown by Yves Saint Laurent.
So simple, but so beautiful.

Meryl Streep
Wearing a piece from Project Runway's Chris March.
Very age appropriate , and i love how there is still some sexiness to the dress.
It fits her well, and i love the draping neckline.

Zoe Saldana
Oh how my heart loves color...lol This dress is so Gor'juss. It took a while for me to LOVE this dress. The more i look and drool the more i want it. This funky lilac/purple ruffled dress is by Givenchy. Love her risk taking. It paid off. oxox

Below are the dresses that made my eyes tear up.
Sarah Jessica Parker wore this dress by Chanel. People, just because it's a high fashion label doesn't mean it is an awesome to dye for dress. The best part was seeing her smile thinking she looked hot , and maybe even thinking she broke some fashion mold and would be on everyone TOP BEST LIST...lmao. Sorry SJP, this one doesn't make it and everything is SO wrong. OUCH!

Jennifer Lopez...OMG! From that angle it looks like the hanging fabric was the result of someone stepping on the dress and tore it off.

Rachel Adams
That gown is so sad i don't even want to know who made it. It's to "old" looking and the dress is not very flattering to her figure. It gives her no shape. It's just BLAH!

Mariah Carey - wearing Valentino
Not every style is for everyone, especially one that makes you look like a high class call girl.
We have meet before on this list. You seem to like it i suppose. Do me a favor and hire a new stylist. One that is actually out for your fashion interest. One that is not purposely wanting you on the WORST LIST. Ok maybe it's not done on purpose, but in my head that is the only reason i actually posted this picture on my blog.

Kristen Stewart
To plain, the hair is a mess, and i wonder if she really wanted to wear this..um?????

So what did we learn from the OSCARS this year....
1. Strapless was very in
2. Just because it's a high fashion label doesn't mean it is lovely
3. This is the Oscars..GLAMOUR should be key to any gown. This is your night to shine. Go all out in a tasteful way. Bring back the sparkle, shine and the moments where famous people were STARS not just "known".
Signing off..oxoxCoke Stains and Cupcakesoxo..Painthead™
1 comment:
I loved SJP's i thought it was quite different.
Bitterly disappointed in Mariah Carey it lookes like a dress you could get from your local supermarket lol.
I just thought overall the Oscars lacked in everything this year,the one thing i did love was Sandras speech.
Apart from that i can put my hand up and say i hadnt heard of most of the films and ive not seen a single one of them that were nominated.
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