Monday, June 10, 2013

Kiss the Rain!

"Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet."

It's been raining all day long, but the rain water is good for my tiny garden. I saw one little tomato already. Today I had the day off and went to the Franklin Institute . It's awesome being down center city. I love my Philadelphia. Anyhow, the rain did not put a damper on my love of colors, why should I be gloomy with the weather? Boooo. Below my outfit was inspired by none other then the beautiful Rainbow that does appear after the rain.

Blazer,Skirt,Tops, leggings: Joyce Lesile/ Shoes: Easy Pickins/Necklace:Gift from Polyvore
Signing off..oxoxCoke Stains and Cupcakes..oxox Painthead™

1 comment:

Denisa L said...

you always mix colors in such a beautiful way!

well, it's been raining everyday here,... for about two weeks:))