"Mira, tu! Why do you have so many colors on? Are you a clown?" Those lovely words came from a patient at work yesterday. Maybe a few years agos I would of want to jump and choke the poor guy, but it was actually music to my ears. I was not offended; if anything I took it as a compliment. From time to time there's always a relasped childhood memory of me wanting to run away with the circus. For now i'll just wait until the circus comes to town; which they always do during April. xoxo
Top: Sag Habor
Blazer: Jones New York
Pants: Sunny Lehigh
Ring: Charming Charlie
Shoes: Just Fabulous
Nails: SinFul Colors in Hot & Sour
Signing off..oxoxCoke Stains and Cupcakes..oxox Painthead™
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