I hate Mondays, but who doesn't? LOL. I wanted to start my day with yumminess,these are my photos of random things i fun pretty in color or just in subject. Those cups, are so pretty, they have glitter and sequin in them. I got them from Target in the dollar section..woot woot.
My Jewelry Box
I love Fake Costume Jewelry. Most of my collection come from flea markets, and Sally, an elderly lady who passed away and her family said that we can have whatever we wanted, because it was me and my mom who would care for her. So i saw she had fake costume Jewelry and i fell in love with them. Her son says "Go ahead, take ,it will end up in the trash" So i took them. Awwww I love love love them. Some are a rare find i'm sure and you don't see Jewelry made like this anymore. Back then , this was a true art form, all made by hand and care. So the photos below is my Jewelry Box, mixed with old and new, but it's so fun dressing up, i LOVE BEING GIRLY...LOL!